
Less waiting on AJAX

 It's a psychological phenomenon that waiting takes less time as long as

something happens.
I'm sure you have seen all these nice rotating arrows, bouncing points or bars
that are commonly used for situations where a progress bar should appear to
tell the user that it's time for waiting like spinning a globe in IE or the rotating
points in Firefox, on the windows start up screen on or even
in windows media edition. It can also be as simple as the [Loading...] text that
is used by the Google-Mail user interface.
On you can easily generate "AJAX-" animated gif files I
thought it is time to implement a few lines into the AJAX Engine.
The right place to start displaying a progress indicator is just before starting
the webservice call to the server. Here I call StartProgress().
But it also has to be hidden after anything happens that ends the action like
when the return value is there, an exception happens or when the timeout
timer strikes. To identify these places I searched the code for the ajax.current
gets cleared. There I call EndProgress();
The first implementation was straight forward creating and removing a html
element. After some testing I found that this costs me more time than the real
call over the internet and in many situations immediate responses got slower
and that's definitively not that what I wanted to achieve.
In the end I came to the following solution:
The StartProgress function only sets a flag (ajax.progress) to true and
starts a timer (ajax.progressTimer) with a timeout of 220 msec.
This time was chosen by some testing and many server calls do not last so
long and therefore need no progress indicator.
When the timer strikes it calls the ajax.ShowProgress function. Here I
implement the real code that creates the HTML element or just shows an
existing one again.
The EndProgress function clears the flag and also starts the timer but with
some less waiting.
When the timer strikes after a call has finished the existing object is just
This architecture has some advantages. First the progress indicator is not
shown when short calls are made and when multiple calls are made one after
the other it is not hidden. This can save a lot of flickering.
Here are the specific new functions:

// ----- show or hide a progress indicator -----
// show a progress indicator if it takes longer...
ajax.StartProgress = function() {
ajax.progress = true;
if (ajax.progressTimer != null)
ajax.progressTimer = window.setTimeout(ajax.ShowProgress, 220);
} // ajax.StartProgress
// hide any progress indicator soon.
ajax.EndProgress = function () {
ajax.progress = false;
if (ajax.progressTimer != null)
ajax.progressTimer = window.setTimeout(ajax.ShowProgress, 20);
} // ajax.EndProgress
// this function is called by a timer to show or hide a progress indicator
ajax.ShowProgress = function() {
ajax.progressTimer = null;
var a = document.getElementById("AjaxProgressIndicator");
if (ajax.progress && (a != null)) {
// just display the existing object = document.documentElement.scrollTop + 2 + "px"; = "";
} else if (ajax.progress) {
// find a relative link to the ajaxcore folder containing ajax.js
var path = "../ajaxcore/"
for (var n in document.scripts) {
s = document.scripts[n].src;
if ((s != null) && (s.length >= 7) && (s.substr(s.length -7).toLowerCase() == "ajax.js"))
path = s.substr(0,s.length -7);
} // for
// create new standard progress object
a = document.createElement("div"); = "AjaxProgressIndicator"; = "absolute"; = "2px"; = document.documentElement.scrollTop + 2 + "px"; = "98px"; = "16px" = "2px"; = "bottom";"#51c77d";
a.innerHTML = "<img style='VERTICAL-ALIGN:bottom' src='" + path + "ajax-loader.gif'> please
} else if (a) { = "none";
} // if
} // ajax.ShowProgress

If you want to see how it looks like you can use the old prime factor sample.
Try some long the numbers like: 98798798789878987. You might see it only
if someone else is stressing the server too - It seems to be a powerful machine
:-) and prime factors get calculated fast even with my stupid algorithm.

Thinking in components

The next level of abstraction brings you again a huge amount of productivity.
Now, with components, web controls or tag libraries that again encapsulate
the AJAX actions you can build complex AJAX enabled web sites by
combining some pre-coded controls. If you have to code many web pages that
share common functionality you can identify these needs and pay for building
your special controls. You will find the productivity by those developers that
use these components.

Building AJAX Controls
In many cases we can wrap a special AJAX functionality into a control
instead of coding the JavaScript code into the page itself. To reach a high
percentage of reusability those components are realized outside of the
individual pages and are parameterized for their concrete usage.
There are some advantages by doing that.
When implementing conventional (old style) web forms you are familiar with
using controls together with html elements to build up the whole page. If we
build AJAX into new or existing controls the web programmer can continue
to build the pages using the well known techniques. Also the form editors
with the rich UI experience can be used again.
AJAX functionalities can be used together with the standard executing
mechanism of posting form data to the server. In a web form an AJAX control
can validate the current content of a HTML form in the background and guide
the user before a regular positing of the form data starts the transaction or
The LookUp example that was introduced at OrteLookup.htm in the second
parts of the samples is using the AJAX engine directly. You can also find a
LookUp Control sample page in the collection of the AJAX Controls in the
third part of the samples that does the same thing but is reusable on other
The amount of JavaScript code that has to be loaded on the client for the
LookUp control is only about 18 kByte for the AJAX engine and the
additional code for handling the selection list not very large.
It helps however to save a multiple of this size on the network transfer
because the data portion does not have to be sent completely to the client. The
JavaScript code that is extracted into a separate file is also transferred only
once when reloading of the pages saves several times.

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